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We get it.  Hectic schedules, kids, work, a house, maybe a spouse or significant other.  Somewhere in there a social life.

A few years sneak by and suddenly you don't like what you see in the mirror. You know you should be doing something but you just can't find the ENERGY or the TIME.

You try and hide it, but after a while clothes only hide so much. Eventually, you feel like nothing you wear looks good on you anymore.

Doctors say it's just a part of aging. They tell you weight gain gets easier and fat loss gets harder the older you get.

Let us be honest with you, this is not going to be easy. To get results, you have to be mentally and physically ready.  Trust us, the obstacles are as much mental as they are physical.

Over the past 9+ years, we have had the pleasure of working with people from all walks of life..all shapes, all sizes.

All you have to do is show up, adjust your mindset...and follow the instructions. The program works and you will get results.


It doesn't matter if you are in great shape or greatly wanting to get in shape, give us 45 minutes and we'll take you through the best workout you've ever experienced.  

Safe for everyone, joint friendly, go at your own pace...pulse pounding, sculpting, toning...your metabolism will shift into overdrive and you'll feel great.

All it takes is 45 minutes, a positive attitude and a set of 5 pound dumbbells and you'll be on your way to your fitness goals!

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"I saw my abs through my tank top"

"I'm not addicted but I feel like I accomplished something this morning"

"We are all in this together and everyone is encouraging and nice"

"I've only ever experienced positive support."

"We did all the pushups even though it got hard at the end!"

"I'm setting a healthy lifestyle example for my family"

"I'm sleeping bettter"

"I'm drinking more water"

"My stamina, mood, and energy has increased and I'm more motivated, resting better, more disciplined and accountable"

"I can get up off the floor easier"

"I am more conscious of what I put in my mouth"

"My clothes fit better"

"I've already lost 20 lbs and can definitely tell that there is a difference in my stamina"

Gallery & Results

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